How to Treat Migraine in Children?

In most children, migraine is an acute, not preventive, condition. However, some children can have four-hour migraine episodes, making them miss school. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat migraine in children. NSAIDs, triptans, and lifestyle changes are just a few of the many options available. Listed below are some of the most effective remedies for migraine in children.


Aspirin may be a helpful migraine treatment, and it is a typical NSAID and comes in a dissolvable tablet. The dissolvable tablet allows it to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. Although triptans are typically the first medications to be prescribed, NSAIDs are sometimes used when a patient cannot tolerate the side effects of triptans. In addition, NSAIDs are less expensive and be nearly as effective as triptans.

NSAIDs are the most common treatment for acute migraine attacks. These drugs effectively treat attacks that begin within 30 minutes and increase over time. The best migraine treatment Jacksonville, FL, for these attacks includes subcutaneous sumatriptan injections and rizatriptan or eletriptan. Other effective treatments include fast-dissolving sumatriptan tablets, oral sumatriptan, and nasal zolmitriptan.


Aside from treating migraines, Botox injections prevent chronic migraine episodes. Botox injections are also used for hyperhidrosis and cervical dystonia. However, Botox can cause side effects, such as headaches. However, these side effects are short-lived and can be remedied with over-the-counter pain relievers or by rubbing the injections’ area.

A neurologist will perform a consultation and diagnosis to determine whether Botox will help with your migraine. Also, your doctor will examine your migraine journal and family history to determine an underlying cause. Finally, a doctor may order additional tests to rule out other medical conditions. Botox can be injected to relieve the symptoms if the diagnosis is confirmed. Treatments for migraines will last approximately 10 to 12 weeks. In some cases, it can take as long as six months to benefit from the effects of Botox fully.

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Although the results of this treatment are mixed, some patients report minor benefits. However, in around half of patients, Botox injections can worsen migraine symptoms, including muscle spasms, pain, and stiffness. The drug is not a cure for migraine, but it can help prevent breakthrough headaches. In some patients, additional treatments with oral medication or a rescue drug may be needed. But overall, the risk of drug interaction is negligible.

Avoiding triggers

There is no proven link between certain behaviors and the onset of a migraine. Some commonly accepted triggers may not cause an attack at all. Moreover, the most effective trigger-avoidance strategies rarely improve the condition. Instead, they can make a migraine sufferer feel more frustrated, depressed, or self-blame. This is why many migraine sufferers prefer to avoid specific triggers. But you must understand that you are not the only person who experiences this condition.

In addition, lifestyle change is a new concept in migraine management. However, it can improve the quality of life and frequency of the attacks. The patient needs encouragement and guidance to make this new lifestyle change. Until recently, such a program for treating migraine was rare. The Jefferson Headache Center has teamed up with an app called Ctrl M Health that delivers information on avoiding specific triggers.

Lifestyle changes

If you are experiencing a migraine, lifestyle changes can help you manage it. First, migraine sufferers should limit caffeine intake. Caffeine helps soothe a headache. Cutting down is an excellent way to get the desired results. Moreover, lifestyle changes can help you improve your psychological wellness. If you’ve been suffering from a reoccurring migraine, you may want to try this lifestyle change.

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Stress reduction: Studies have shown that people under high-stress levels are more likely to have a migraine. Thus, it is essential to take steps to reduce your stress level. Sadly, many Americans have unhealthy stress management habits, making it more challenging to implement beneficial lifestyle changes. Fortunately, some lifestyle factors are known to reduce migraine symptoms. Improved sleep and diet are two additional ways to help manage your migraine.

Edith Berry

Edith Berry